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    Thaddeus Blankenship

What I've been up to...

It's been a few years since I wrote in a blog at all. I originally built out a Hugo site that auto deployed using AWS, but stopped writing after a few months - mainly out of lack of time and due to self-imposed pressure on having good enough topics. I decided I wanted to learn more about the Next.js ecosystem, and found this starter blog that used Tailwind as well, so I thought it would be a great way to get back into working on something.

Goals of the blog

The last time I wrote a blog I tried to stay so focused on life optimization that I sort of failed to build out content after a few articles. I think instead here I'm going to try to write about a few more areas:

  • Projects (Both technical and personal/fun things like learning music)
  • General posts (like this one, about life)
  • Technical achievements and learnings
  • Reviews and insights on books/podcasts/etc.
  • Travel and planning information
  • Photography

I'm also hoping to build other non blog features on the site - more to come there!